Bulk SMS Text Messaging Software for Mobile Marketing!
SMS MARKETING SOFTWARE is easy-to-use yet powerful SMS message broadcasting software for e-marketing. It allows you to send marketing & advertising SMS and receive response SMS from the computer.
If differs from other desktop texting software which relies on an Internet SMS gateway. Instead, use your existing mobile phone, GSM modem or cellular terminal and connect it to the computer. The connection can be done via a USB data cable, serial data cable or Bluetooth COM port.
Designed with bulk broadcasting in mind, It helps you manage your marketing campaigns and send customized messages to your target groups. Since SMS is fast and cost effectiveness, messages like promotion, reminder, alert, special notice or statement are well suited to be delivered by using this SOFtware.
Send thousand messages in few minutes with a Single Click...
- * “Send thousands of SMS easily from the computer”
- * “Receive incoming SMS into the computer (2-way SMS)”
- * “No registration, no credit prepay, no SMS gateway required”
- * “Support Long SMS, Flash SMS, SMS Mail Merge”
- * “Use your existing Nokia, Sony Ericsson or Motorola mobile phone!
- Send in different languages: Support GSM 7-bit and UCS2 Unicode encoding with Auto Encoding Selection. Compose your SMS in many different languages: German, French, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Cyrillic, etc.
- Unlimited SMS: You can send and receive unlimited number of sms during license period.
- Software Will Be Provided With LACK's Of Mobile Number's Data..
HOW TO Purchase & Payment Process:
- Actual Price of this Software is:-$396.00 (35165) PK
* “ But We Will Provide Just At 1000 Rupee..With LACK's Of Mobile Number's Data..!”
We accept money through Ubl Omni, Easy Paisa,HBL.
Mob# 03244102777
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